Thursday, June 30, 2005

Da Bears!

Frogsdong wanted to know what a Conservative was in the same way that the word is used for Liberal. He says that their base is evangelicals. That may be true, but that doesn’t make them Conservatives. There was a time (believe me on this one) when the base of the Democrat party was armies of unionized labor that would consistently vote Democrat.

But dis guy:

Ain’ a liberal.

These labels “Liberal” and “Conservative” are designed to drive an elitist wedge between the opposition’s leadership and their base of support, not alienate their base from our own leadership. So don’t call Christians stupid. Point out that charlatan ministers are in cahoots with crony capitalist who are attacking the foundation of Family life in America. While the charlatans are busy protesting Terry Schiavo, the Crony Capitalist Republicans made it easier for credit companies to force people into working overtime and take them away from their families.

Democrats, on the other hand, want to protect Family Resources.


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