Saturday, July 02, 2005

Armies of Horny Angry Young People

Greg Anrig wants to know how to get young people interested in politics. I have to disagree with those who say the answer is better grass-roots organization or charismatic leadership. If the Republicans make recreational sex illegal, you will have an army of horny angry young people that will fuel a strong grass-roots organization with bodies and funds, as well as follow any leader no matter how charismatic, if they promise to relieve the lustful burning in their loins.

So what does this imply about strategy going forward? As I have said before, the blunders in the first half of this year have caused cracks to form in the Republican coalition between libertarians and christianists. This makes the issue of “choice” our friend. In an encounter with undergrads yesterday, one such undergrad did not know that O’Connor was the swing vote on issues of “choice”. Democrats should make very certain that the core of this debate is about “choice”, however I recommend broadening the code phrase to “individual rights”, which has the advantage of being very broadly applicable, hauling out “choice” when the right counters with the individual rights of the fetus ("It’s about individual rights." "What about the rights of the fetus?" "Republicans are trying to take away the woman’s right to choose, a blatant assault on the rights of individuals. Individual rights are what made this country strong!"). Make sure all young Americans know that the Republicans are holding a knife to their collective balls.

Americans like recreational sex. This is a winning topic for us (and Rove knows this). And when we win, the christianists will raise hell. Disillusioned with the squandering of their best chance to asexualize America they will become politically apathetic, retreating from this impure worldly realm of politics back to the insulating and isolating spiritual religious expressions that they came from. This should mostly be due to Democrats painting Republicans as crony capitalist thieves who are simply paying lip service to their extremist religiosity.

Or they’ll actually cut off the balls of America’s youth. Then we’ll have the horny angry armies. All it would take is just one protest to end in a nationally televised orgy, and we’ll have Democrat legislative and executive dominance until a couple of Justices buy the farm.


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