Sunday, July 17, 2005


Apparently we never planned to bring Democracy to Iraq, we were bringing Demockracy™, a product of the US defense industry:

In the months before the Iraqi elections in January, President Bush approved a plan to provide covert support to certain Iraqi candidates and political parties, but rescinded the proposal because of Congressional opposition, current and former government officials said Saturday.

The statement appeared to leave open the question of whether any covert help was provided to parties favored by Washington, an issue about which the White House declined to elaborate.

The article, by Seymour M. Hersh, reports that the administration proceeded with the covert plan over the Congressional objections. Several senior Bush administration officials disputed that, although they recalled renewed discussions within the administration last fall about how the United States might counter what was seen as extensive Iranian support to pro-Iranian Shiite parties.
The similarity in sound of the words would be a challenge for any transcriber. I don't blame White House administrative assistants for the confusion resulting from statements such as these:

President Bush will welcome Portuguese Prime Minister Durao Barroso to the White House on June 6, 2003 for a meeting and working luncheon. Portugal has stood from the first hour among America's closest allies in the war on terrorism and the effort to bring peace and democracy to Iraq, and was host of the March 16 "Atlantic Summit" in the Azores. Portugal is a valuable founding member of NATO with a deep-rooted commitment to transatlantic cooperation.
Which was meant to read:

President Bush will welcome Portuguese Prime Minister Durao Barroso to the White House on June 6, 2003 for a meeting and working luncheon. Portugal has stood from the first hour among America's closest allies in the war on terrorism and the effort to bring peas and Demockracy™ to Iraq, and was host of the March 16 "Atlantic Summit" in the Azores. Portugal is a valuable founding member of NATO with a deep-rooted commitment to transatlantic cooperation.
See? Peas and Demockracy™! Mission accomplished.


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